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Polyhedron - Live at Studio Zoo, Bern (CH)



Josephine Nagorsnik composition/trombone/electronics


Jaronas Hoehener



Lucas Dorado 



Marc Mezgolits



Felix Wolf 




Polyhedron is the idea of symbiosis: Human and machine, electronics and acoustics. Electronical surfaces are connected through the axis of acoustic instruments. The music runs its golden thread through clear rhythmical shapes, along a yarn of free improvisation that brings unexpected turns and patters into the musical fabric.
Clichées may be touched, are often satirised or even bewept.

The quintet of trombone, trumpet, vibraphone, bass, drums and electronics has been active and performing since spring of the year 2016 and has since been performing concerts in Switzerland and Germany. Various line-up changes and different instrumentations eventually led to two brass instruments and drums with vibes, replacing the piano, adding a whole new flavour to the sound, dreamy spheres and clearly attacked beats. Last joined the bass, delivering a solid ground to lay for the rest of the music to walk on, or takes its own melodic paths.

The pieces are based on compositions by Josephine Nagorsnik but the mood and spirit is brought to life by the band members that have a fine feel for the intended musical content: The container is filled with each musicians ideas, until it is one product by all instead of one person – therefor the musical piece created  should be considered to represent all single members of the Polyhedron: One figure with different minds behind it.


Polyhedron is happy to celebrate years of progress with the release of their first EP "Uhrenvergleich", which has been released Aug 14th 2020 on Ranunkel Records. Available on all streaming sites and in CD format.


Currently, Polyhedron is preparing their 2023 tour, with a new line up, which will lead to recording of their debut album.

Band Polyhedron.png

Polyhedron – One body with different surfaces, angles, lines and corners, yet it remains one geometrical figure.


Past Concerts

Su, 31.10.2022 | Live at Studio Zoo, Bern (CH)

Su, 31.10.2022 | Live at Studio Zoo, Bern (CH)

Wed, 26.05.2021 | Beeflat im Progr, Turnhalle, Bern (CH)

Sa, 23.09.2018 | OBG Solidarisches Wohnkollektiv | Heidelberg (DE)

Fr, 22.09.2018 | Subbotnik | Leipzig (DE)

Tue, 22.08.2017 | Peter Flamingo | Grosse Schanze, Bern (CH)

Mon, 06.03.2017 | SonarraumU64 | PROGR, Bern (CH)

Tue, 14.06.2016 | With Pipeline | Kulturhof Schloss Köniz, Köniz (CH)

Tue, 24.05.2016 | With Oh My Deer! | ONO, Bern (CH)

Sa, 21.05.2016 | With Krawall | Kulturcafé, Baden (CH)

Sa, 29.04.2016 | With BUMshankar | Punto, Bern (CH)

Sa, 05.03.2016 | Shit & Schein | Dampfzentrale, Bern (CH)

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Uhrenvergleich                                                                  OUT NOW!
Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-12 um
Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-12 um

Josephine Nagorsnik (comp/tb/electronics) (DE)
Jaronas Hoehener (tp/electronics) (CH)
Jonathan Salvi (vib) (CH)
Felix Wolf (dr) (DE)



Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-16 um
"How and why?"

In december 2019 Polyhedron went to the studio of the Hochschule der Künste, Papiermühlestrasse in Bern, Switzerland to document the outcome of more than five years of playing together, in a recording session.

The result is an exciting, four track EP with compositions by Josephine Nagorsnik, each one of them being very distinguished from the others by nature of composition, mood and texture.

To match her auditive imagination, she comissioned Nicholas Luchack, Winnipeg (CAN) to design the album cover, which was made public in early summer 2020. It reflects the compositional ideas, such as the titles.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-16 um

Former cooperations: Louis Laury (synth), Justin Ray Pecquet (synth), Jonathan Salvi (vib)

Management & Booking


© 2024 by Josephine Nagorsnik
Photo credits: Verena Sala, Timothée Giddey, Viola Gies, Oscar Holliger, Collectif 440 Hz


"The Waffle Machine Orchestra" Independent 2011

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